
Our Product

As pioneers in the field, we proudly offer the first RNA-based test for targeted treatment eligibility. By harnessing the power of RNA analysis, we provide a comprehensive understanding of an individual's genetic profile, enabling healthcare providers make informed decisions about tailored treatment options.

Fast and Accurate

RNA tests are faster and have unwavering accuracy.

Low Cost

Affordable price for hospitals and clinical labs.

Personalized Targeted Therapies

Each individual receives tailored and relevant information.

Increase response

Patients are experiencing a significant increase in their response to personalized tretaments.

Selection Tool

expressTEC empower healthcare professionals to make informed decisions on treatments.

Treatment Aid Resource

Harnessing the power of RNA-based testing to guide personalized treatment decisions.

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Breast Cancer Deaths In 2020

0 K

For Every Patient Unnecessarily Treated

0 %

False Positives

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Awards Won

+351 289 800 900



Faro, Portugal.